Wednesday, March 28, 2012

McMurphy's Journal

First group meeting was today. Pete wouldn’t stop whining about “being tired” and it wasn’t even one o’clock yet..and Ruckly talking about “da wife”.. those two just complain when they speak, it ain’t even words, just complaints..Chairs are god damn uncomfortable too, distractin’ me from hearing about harding’s “problem”. I don’t see any problem – all I see is a scrawny guy who can’t handle all that woman. And that conniving nurse messing up my name, trying to get me riled up – I’ll have her set straight in no time. Challenge her every command, actually ask questions when she demands things and not just go along like… hmm what’d harding call them? Rabbits? Yeah, Harding did have a point about them rabbits. They’re weak and afraid and all they know how to do is “whambam”.. that harding is a character but he did get it right- I ain’t no rabbit, I’m a wolf. Sometimes I don’t even know what he’s saying though.. what am I even saying..why do people have to be animals, why can’t we just be people in this damn place. 

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